Teen Stress Management


The growing problem of stress in our teenagers’ lives gives us much cause for concern.  Did you know that the number of teens with high blood pressure is steadily increasing?  Below are some simple teen stress management techniques that you can help your teen implement.


Just like adults, teen’s stress levels can be reduced through meditation, yoga, massage, and other similar therapies.  It is also important to help your teen talk out their problems and help them realize they may not be worth stressing over.  But do be careful not to trivialize the things your teen finds important.


Encourage your teen to eat a healthy diet.  While you can’t control everything your teen eats, you can serve them a diet with low sodium and lots of fruits and vegetables when they eat at home.  You should also encourage them to make smart choices when eating at school or a friend’s house.


Encourage regular exercise.  You can go for family walks or take your teen to the gym with you.  Not only will this help them to look and feel better, it provides some good bonding time for you and your teen.


Talk to your teen about drinking and smoking.  If your teen has high blood pressure or a high level of stress, smoking and excessive drinking are more dangerous to them than to other kids their age.  Help your children understand the dangers by talking to them often.


More teen stress management resources:






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